So I’m back on BBC London tonight for the News Review on Simon Lederman’s Late show with the Capital Flying Eye legend and fellow O.A. Russ Kane. [If you didn’t know O.A. stands for Old Alleynian which means we both went to Dulwich College, and hence, have letters after our names…I know!!!] That’s tonight from 11pm on BBC London 94.9FM. Listen online, on DAB, on FM and your mobile.

But bigger Radio news, I’ve been signed up for another year to host the Friday night show on 107.8FM Radio Jackie and my mission remains the same. To play the best, classic party songs to get you in the mood for going out staying in or going out, to kick back and relax after another week. This show is amazing simply because the feedback I get from listeners, whether they’re cabbies, out on the town and a bit enebriated, to cutting down trees in the afternoon Arizona and listening online via is always the same: they love the music and the show. So thank you for listening and for all the kind words over the last 2 years….onwards and upwards.


