So…first voiceover gig that I get isn’t even anything I planned and was before I got sigend to London Voiceover…if you dial the following number: 020 7188 4152 from the first week in March 2015, you will hear a certain someone’s voice introducing you to he the largest Occupational Health Service in the country.
Yes, from next month, I am the voice of Guy’s and St Thomas’ Occupational Health Service. What does this mean? Well, GSTT Occy Health (for short) look after the safety, health and welfare of the people who look after the staff of both hospitals, from Porters to Consultants, the London Ambulance Service, Christian Aid, Metropolitan Police, to name but a few. So if you work for one of these companies and you’ve had to come and visit for whatever reason, you would have heard me, or you will do.
Our NHS service is amazing and I’m proud to have put my voice to something so important.
Just think of me as your friendly voice of guidance!!
Ebsy xx